Crazy Weather New Years Day – Winter Storm Warning – Data Offline

Update 10:30 – Data Updating

I’ve put most everything back together as of 10:30PM. Data isn’t updating perfectly but most things should be good to go and the last of it should be fixed before the end of the day tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience, and bad timing! :+)

Everything happens at once.

I try to do maintenance over Christmas… usually, it’s a quiet time, with warm fires, and music playing. A great time to do some of the backend maintenance that keeps this website going.

And then other times it snows a foot, goes down to -15C, then thunders and lightnings and rain and wind and ……

So there is no data right now on the website because I’m working on some updates. Very sorry for the inconvenience. You can imagine how much it annoys me that I am not “catching” all of this on the web page, but fate is weird.

I hope to have everything back online tomorrow at the latest. In the meantime, beware, the snow is melting fast here, but might be piling up elsewhere. There is a Winter Storm Warning out.

When it rains it pours!

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