Congratulations to RevJim on his Christmas Lights!

In all the craziness last week with the snow and everything the deserving winner of the Snow Contest didn’t really get his place in the spotlight.



RevJim was the lucky winner of a box of LED multi-colour Christmas Lights from Canadian Tire.

Here’s a photo of lights, they’re under the icicle lights, he says.

I think next year maybe we’ll take donations to get Revjim a Tripod. 😉 Just Kidding RJ! Looks great!

How about some ideas on other contests we could run? Or maybe some ideas on who might be willing to donate, or even “sponsor” a prize?

Leave your congratulations for Revjim and your ideas in the comments.

Should be a relatively quiet next 7 days or so.

About The Author

5 thoughts on “Congratulations to RevJim on his Christmas Lights!

  1. make sure to contact Healthy Habits for a donation prize! I’m sure they’ll get something together for ya 😉

  2. Thjis is funny – friends looked up “port alberni christmas lights” on google, got this page and thought I had won a contest for my lights 🙂
    I explained that the lights were a prize from the snow guessing 🙂

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