Cloudy…. then Rain… and then… Rain… and then… some more Rain… and then… Snow?
That about sums it up!
On the plus side, if we didn’t get this last shot of rain over the past week we would have likely had our driest December ever. I’m pretty sure that will be the story for the month from the weather types next week.
I’ll be putting together a look back for the year if I can. And maybe a look ahead. The AVTimes also phoned me for a chat about the weather this past year and next.
The most notable change will be switching from La Nina to El Nino conditions in the tropical Pacific. That will certainly have an effect on our weather next summer, fall and winter.
Shorter term, don’t count out the “coldest winter” prognostications. The first 3 weeks of December were certainly colder than normal, and mid-January to February are shaping up to go cold. We’ll just have to see if that also equals snow.
Minus 4C this morning – that’s colder than I expected! Maybe some wet flurries on New Years day?