A Fair Fall Fair Forecast –
It’s looking like a pretty decent Fall Fair weekend coming up! Only a little rain on Saturday might muddy the midway a little. This afternoon should be the best of them all, with a nice warm evening planned, and best of all it is Half Price today!
Tomorrow and Sunday look good too. The wrench in the plans might be Saturday when some rain is expected, but looking at the GFS, it only appears to be showing about 5mm of rain for Saturday. So nothing us tough Port Alberni types can’t handle.
There is a ton going on at the Fair as usual! I always love wandering through the animal buildings. And did you know there are stables and a riding ring in the back behind the big food and crafts building!? I had no idea until a few years ago… and I’ve gone to the fair almost every year for the past 25!
If you’d like to see my Solar Panel up close and personal it will be at the Alberni Environmental Coalition booth (middle isle in Glenwood, across from the Childcare Society toy booth!) which they’ve graciously provided some space for Alberni Valley Transition Town to setup a little display which includes my Solar Panel, some images of cob buildings and some other things. The AECs theme this year centres around the 20th Anniversary of the Log Train Trail and they have some incredible pictures of all the work done by volunteers (or just one 80+ year old volunteer, Frank Stini) over that time to keep the trail safe and fun.
If you’re looking for information about the Raven Coal Mine, that will also be available at our booth. AVTTS members have taken a position of remaining informational in our role, and not coming out for or against the mine itself. AVTTS did decided to support my No Rail? No Coal! petition in order to support sustainable transportation of commodities, and it will be available at our table. The AEC on the other hand has taken a position firmly against the mine and you will find the No Coal No Way petition at their table right beside us.
While I am at the booth, I will also have my computer there so that if people would like to send comments, good, bad, or ugly, directly to the government, they can do so right from our booth.
The main theme of the Fall Fair this year is Local Food and Agriculture and AVTTS also has a 2nd booth near the Spencer building (the food building near the stage), showcasing local farming. You have to go check it out too!
See you all there.
Chris (I’ll be at the booth 7:30 to 10:30 on Thursday night and 4:30 to 7:30 on Saturday)