Month: September 2009
Major Power Outage
There has been a major power outage in Port Alberni. Looks like the entire City and surrounding Valley plus Ucluelet, Tofino and Bamfield are dark. Must have been a big event that caused it, but it wasn’t any weather that I heard about. I’m in Nanaimo right now at work. There won’t be any current…
The Drought has Broken for now!
Check out that radar image, that’s a doozy of a rain front. EC says we’ll be getting at least 15mm of rain tonight, there was nearly a rainfall warning issued for the West Coast (Uke/Tofino), they’re expecting up to 50mm overnight. So to put it all into perspective, since September 1, we’ve received 16.5mm of…
An unwelcome change
It must be Labour Day weekend! We’re getting rain. 😀 We’ve had rain for the past 3 Labour Day weekends. I feel bad for the fisher-folks trying to have a nice morning on the water, but hey, they say the fish like the rain. In the weather department, we should get a little wind on…